My Backyard Garden

I can’t believe almost half a year flew by and my last post was in April, which means I have missed posting in May. My only excuse is working, most companies are now working toward going lean.  Our company is working toward that, which means cross-training employees in another job function and cutting back employees. Regardless of what is my excuse I know I have to find balance in what I do. I don’t think I’m alone facing this situation, a lot of people like myself are having a hard time finding balance in their work-lives because there have been cutbacks or layoffs where they work, and those remaining employees have to put in more hours than they expected. Even though I haven’t done much posting, I still find time to garden and my backyard gardening is coming alone. I know I can’t control my work situation, but I sure can control life and living.

My sister gave me her water lily plants last month, and it has several blooms in my pound so far and hers hasn’t bloomed any yet. This tells me that my pound environment is healthy.

I planted several Jalapeno peppers this year, I still have frozen chili peppers from last year and since I didn’t have much space I only have enough room for the Jalapenos.

The pickling cucumbers are climbing the A-frame trellis.

I planted several cherry tomato plants.

I’ve been joying eating freshly picked salad.

Freshly picked radishes are great with salad also.

My Kirfir lime tree grew new leaves, this one was given to me by Bo’s mom over 15 years ago.

My lemon grass are not growing fast enough, if I ate 2-3 stalks per week there wouldn’t be any left by the end of the month. I ended up buying some this week.

The Thai basils are not as pretty this year, it has been very dry in our area and perhaps not getting enough water since they are planted toward the back of the garden.

I don’t have much luck with the parsley, and seeing this much coming up is a sight for me.

I think my mints have mutated since the leaves are fuzzy looking and it doesn’t smell as minty.

My sister gave me a pot of her mint and it’s time to replace the old with the new.

Did you know that the Poinsettia is a tropical plant? I planted one last year but forgot to take it inside in late Fall and it didn’t survive the Winter months. I hope to remember this year, I want to see how big it will get.

I planted some snow peas, this photo below was taken last week.

This is what they look like today, with a little help they were able to climb the trellis.

They have beautiful white flowers.

And the snow pea pods are ready to harvest, I expect to get a steady snow pea pods through the Summer and Fall.


The quails are happy in the backyard.

We get an average of 4-5 eggs per day and they are great with salad.

Bo hatched two more quails, this is the reason why we need to buy a farm.


  1. I know what you mean about finding balance in work and life. And gardening makes for a nice escape. Especially nice when the rewards are so fresh and tasty.

    Btw, are the quail egg yolks much brighter than regular store bought quail eggs? I can’t remember the last time I had fresh quail eggs. They are a real treat.

    • Hi Bree, it has been busy for me, I’ve always wanted a big garden but often wonder how I will manage with my busy schedule. Gardening has been rewarding for me, it’s almost time to plant fall/winter garden.

      I’ve never seen a store bought quail eggs before, the fresh quail eggs are not that big and a lot of work to peel the shells. I think chicken eggs taste equally as good, and less work if you know what I mean. 🙂

  2. I totally can relate to your situations :-). It is over a year since I last wrote a blog. Hopefully, this coming year I have little more time to blog.

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