My Garden Update

It has been a week since I added more plants to my garden and the weather has gotten a lot warmer, I think we finally get over our cold spell. There is still a lot of work to be done, and I’ll be busy gardening in the next few weeks. The photos were taken early this morning, you know the saying ‘the early bird gets the worm.’ I guess in my case the early photographer catches the warm golden rays.

I planted the purple eggplants that I purchased from the local nursery. I’m hoping that my sister will plant the Thai eggplant seedlings or I might have to ask Bo’s mom for some young plants this year.

It’s Jalapeno peppers this year, I still have a lot of chili peppers in the freezer from last year so there is no need to plant more.

I planted both pickling cucumbers and regular cucumbers, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for any fury creatures out there.

I planted 3 cherry tomato plants, and this one has flowers already.

Lee is doing an herb garden this year, and she planted her Peppermint last week.

Her garden bed gets plenty of sun during the day.

The mixed vegetable seeds that I soiled last month took a growth spurt in the last week or so.  I think it must be the warmer weather in our area.

My Bok Choy plants are ready to harvest.

I’m glad the rabbit didn’t come back for more, these are the Romaine lettuces that’s left for me. I started harvesting some last week and they were crunchy and sweet.





More Rosemary bush, I actually don’t cook with these and kind of odd to have them planted in a Lao garden since we don’t use it with our cooking.

The Water Hyacinth plant finally made it to the fishpond.

All photos were taken with 5DMkIII, Canon 24-105mm f/4L lens.


  1. It all looks very promising, I know from the other years that your garden soon will look very appealing. How warm is it now?We are expecting the first warm day tomorrow, that means about 10 degree. Spring is 2-3 weeks delayed this year. I wonder how it will influence on everything? Have you bought a new camera?

    • Hi Giiid, it’s about 25 degree Celsius (78 Fahrenheit) during the day, so it feels like Summer now. The warmer weather makes everything grow a lot faster, and I’m enjoying the fresh vegetables from my garden. It’s a new camera, I bought it last November, so I have it for several months now.

  2. Lovely picture of your Koi fish. Are you using the pond water on you plants? I have recently built an aquaponic system on my balcony and all the lettuces grow so well with the fish excretion, so I use the water as fertilizer to my other plants and it works too.

    • Thanks Jo. I used the pond water last year, and it was a lot of work having to hand water the whole garden. I use the garden hose this year to save time, but the pond water is ideal and glad that I’m not the only one doing it. 🙂

      • I have satup an automatic sprinkler systerm for my garden in the beginning of this year and it water all my plants everyday. I think it is very useful when there is a ready supply of water to channel the water into the system and use it for watering the plants, provided in this case that your pond water is refillable by some source.

  3. Looks like a late start this year compared to the pasts. There are no normal weather patterns anymore these days.

    I like that last picture..

    • seeharhed, it’s a late start for me since I was camping Easter weekend, I used to plant my garden that week in previous years. In comparison to people living up North, we have an advantage of longer warm months, which translates into more gardening time for me. 🙂

  4. Ginger, I think you have to update your little Gravatar, – look what happens when clicking on it , (when used as a “LIKE”) :
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  5. Hi Nye,

    What are those plants to the left of the left of the rosemary & lambs ear? If they’re the maximillian sunflower, you will need to dig some up, or they will go all over; did not know they were going to be this invasive. I have to dig up a lot of mine.

    Very nice update to your garden. I’m looking forward to seeing more as the summer progresses. I recommend planting some blueberry plants (6 or more plants) on the left side, where we played corn-holes; and I will be more then willing to help by getting the plants, etc. Thanks for sharing.

    Also, those English ivy going up that tree may kill the tree in time. So you may want to consider removing them before it’s too late.

    • Hi PaNoy, they are not the Maximilian sunflowers, they are monkey grass plants and they keep the soil from eroded since I had to build the turf up in that area. I had to thin out my Maximilian sunflowers this year since many came up. As for the blueberry bushes, I have several plants outside the fence near the driveway. I can’t plant anything inside the fence since that’s Max’s yard. I also don’t want to plant anything else in case we move, We eventually want a bigger land where we could raise chickens and have a bigger garden. The Ivy climbing the tree will be okay for now, Bo has been talking about cutting it down so I might as well enjoy it with climbing Ivy while I can. I bet your garden is coming along, the weather has been real nice in the last weeks or so.

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