Pardon My Ignorance

I should have done my research, checked my facts and somehow the whole situation made me feel like I’m one of those that smuggled endangered species in their suitcases or pants. Of course I didn’t do any of that, in fact I have not left my seat. I simply purchased beads online and patiently waiting for it to arrive and only to find out that it is in transit, Clearance delay in Anchorage, AK. The FedEx tried to contact me, and I’m on the other line trying to reach them.

I have never been to Anchorage, Alaska before, the thought of the cold weather made me think that people there are more uptight but surprisingly the FedEx Eco Import Coordinator was exceptionally nice, to make a long story short I was told that one of the beads that I have purchased is Sea Shell Bead and the Federal Fish and Wildlife will not release the shipment unless I have a license to Import/Export wildlife products since it falls into the category of endangered species.  So the Sea shell beads that I purchased a little over $2 will now cost me $100 having to apply for the Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit. The logic is just not there, I asked if they could just remove the sea shell beads since they have already opened my package.  They possibly could but my name will be on the blacklist and anything that I purchase in the future will be scrutinized and might get in trouble with custom.

If only I could turn back time, lesson learned on my part, and I’m only blogging about this so that others will not make the same mistake. The shipment is coming from China, and I didn’t buy the beads because I support the products made there, even if I had made my purchase at my local bead shops, almost all their products come from China. I know this because I have paid for the overpriced beads. So now I’m licensed to Import/Export wildlife or wildlife products.

The most exotic thing that I see around here is my passion flower, it finally bloomed today.

Photos were taken with Canon T2i and EF50mm f/1.4 lens.


  1. It would seem best if the Federal Fish and Wildlife would just keep the so called “endangered beads” and go after the people selling them. And somehow they made you pay for the permit. That is the worst logic ever!

    Sorry this happened to you. Appreciate you sharing the story. Btw, were the beads from online retailer or Ebay? I’ve bought many crystals from China via Ebay and had no problem. But of course, “Knock on wood”!

    • cn, I bought from an online bead store and will share the link with you later. I really don’t think the sea shell bead is an issue but more like the authority need to generate revenue and they go after someone like me. I don’t see how $2.38 would flag them. It’s a good learning experience for me.

  2. Yikes! I remember I bought a fake product from a Chinese website and they tried debuting an extra $500 for a FAKE baby carrier. Husband was maaaa-aaaad 😉

    P.S. that flower is gorgeous. I’ll have to show my mom, what’s the native country for it?

    • I guess I wouldn’t mind if it’s fake sea shell beads, it would save me $100 not having to apply for the license. I normally check on the review before making any purchase on the Internet and this one seems reputable.

      The flower was ascent from Africa but now it’s native to all over the world. I’ve seen the red flower and it’s beautiful.

  3. […] came as promised, their beads are beautiful.  But somehow I don’t feel so lucky with the experienced that I had with the US custom insisting that I have to apply for the Federal Fish and Wildlife […]

  4. The beads are beautiful, too bad you had the surprise with the license. There are so many rules concerning internet buying and selling, I believe rules not even are clear to the authorities in some cases. It will be interesting to see how everything looks – concerning internet – in 10 years or so, perhaps these years will be seen at as “the wild west”.
    The flower is beautiful and very special.

    • Hi Giiid, so far I have not been billed for the custom tax and duties yet, they put a note on my package that I might be billed later. I’m just waiting right now. I can’t imagine what the internet will be like in the next 10 years, I might be so much behind since I have not updated my way of surfing the Internet.

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